
(As written by Stephen Lavelle, about PuzzleScript, which comprises 99% of the work and code behind DungeonScript.)

  • Lots of testers/people who weighed in on the beta. Zaphos, Jonathan Whiting, Stephen Hardie, Sarah Northway, Colin Northway, Aaron Steed, Tom VII, Joseph White, Abdulrahman Aburawi, Alex Waterston, Dmitri Salcedo, Jeremy Penner, Justin Herrick, Kassotp, Kevin Henke, Kunal Joshi, Marsh Davies, Oscar Morales, Peter Sullivan, Raffa F, Farbs, Guilherme Töws, Alan Hazelden, Robert Yang, Dom Camus, Bennett Foddy, MJau, Lucas Pope (<3), Adam Salzman, Chris De Lay, Hayden Scott-Baron, Sophie Houlden
  • All the rest, by me, increpare / Stephen Lavelle.

    More Credits

    (As written by Farbs, about DungeonScript, which comprises 1% of the work and code behind DungeonScript.)

    Thanks go out to folks who checked out DungeonScript and fed me bugs and suggestions. Much <3 goes to Stephen Lavelle, Alan Hazelden, Corey Martin, Terry Cavanagh, Guilherme Töws, Zaphos, Endurion, Andreas Jörgensen, Connor McHarney, Droqen, and Rico.