(As written by Stephen Lavelle, about PuzzleScript, which comprises 99% of the work and code behind DungeonScript.)
- The text editor is a modded version of CodeMirror, which is crazy-awesome.
- This gif encoder library can be used to export tremendous animations.
- While the idea for this engine had been in my head for a while, I must have drawn some influence from Tom VII's highly original flash game, T in Y World.
- While figuring out the scripting language, I tried to port as many puzzle games as I could to the framework. Many of them didn't translate so smoothly - PuzzleScript, try as it might, isn't a general purpose game maker, not even really (yet) a general purpose puzzle game maker, but owes a lot in its design to the current generation of independent puzzle games.
- Documentation is all formatted with the highly functional Bootstrap. Thanks, twitter!
- I use the FileSaver.js library for saving files.
- The sound engine is a modded version of jsfxr, which itself is based upon sfxr.
- The default color palette used for names is a modified version of the magnanimous Arne's Generic 16 color game palette, with additional ones made in consultancy with Dock. Terry contributed the C64 one, and Jonathan Whiting contributed the whitingjp one.
- Thanks to my flatmate Terry Cavanagh for poking me to add a bunch of neat features which he nonetheless has no intention of using.
- I use QUint for unit tests. It was super easy to get going.
- I have an over-the-top pipline that compresses the website before uploading. It uses Google Closure Compiler (not the advanced mode, I couldn't get that to work) for compressing javascript, YUICompressor for compressing the css files, PNGCrush for compressing PNGs, Gifsicle for additional compression of the GIFs above what the javascript generator can do, inliner for generating the standalone template, and a wee bit of sed.
- The sharing framework is based around GitHub's fabulous gist-sharing api.
- Thanks to harry harrison for some tips/feedback about the html.
- Thanks to Jeff Roberts a bit, for being awesome.
Lots of testers/people who weighed in on the beta. Zaphos, Jonathan Whiting, Stephen Hardie, Sarah Northway, Colin Northway, Aaron Steed, Tom VII, Joseph White, Abdulrahman Aburawi, Alex Waterston, Dmitri Salcedo, Jeremy Penner, Justin Herrick, Kassotp, Kevin Henke, Kunal Joshi, Marsh Davies, Oscar Morales, Peter Sullivan, Raffa F, Farbs, Guilherme Töws, Alan Hazelden, Robert Yang, Dom Camus, Bennett Foddy, MJau, Lucas Pope (<3), Adam Salzman, Chris De Lay, Hayden Scott-Baron, Sophie Houlden
All the rest, by me, increpare / Stephen Lavelle.
More Credits
(As written by Farbs, about DungeonScript, which comprises 1% of the work and code behind DungeonScript.)
Thanks go out to folks who checked out DungeonScript and fed me bugs and suggestions. Much <3 goes to Stephen Lavelle, Alan Hazelden, Corey Martin, Terry Cavanagh, Guilherme Töws, Zaphos, Endurion, Andreas Jörgensen, Connor McHarney, Droqen, and Rico.